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what we do

Is your organization truly data-driven?

Measuring Impact is an

Essential Business Strategy

We work alongside you to design an Impact Measurement Strategy that prioritizes Collaborator Engagement, emphasizes Outcome-Driven Data, and aligns with your Strategic Objectives.  

Impact Framework Design

We work with you to develop a strategy that integrates seamlessly with your mission and targets the areas of greatest potential impact. We identify and articulate program-specifc frameworks, develop standardized, accessible, and organization-wide data collection processes and technologies, and provide the complete setup of the Sopact Sense platform to collect, analyze, and report data.​

City Center

Ongoing Impact Measurement + Management (IMM) 

We expertly implement the complete Framework Design package across strategic areas and specific programs, then manage the ongoing evolution of actionable impact measurement processes. We evolve and scale the process while providing coaching and training to your program staff to build capacity over time.​

Additional Ways we Colaborate

Assessment +

Project /

Program Evaluation

Strategic Partnership +

Project Management 

Collaborator Engagement + Relationship Managament

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